„So … Brothers“ is a Hamburg-based sitcom produced in English for the international markets. It takes place in a famous recording studio where successful musicians and bands come and go every day. This regularly opens up cross-promotion opportunities for the top artists of the major music labels.
Two half-brothers, one American and the other German, inherited their successful father’s recording studio. The two only get to know each other through the inheritance. In order to cope with the new challenge, they bring a young technology student on board who keeps on saving them again and again.
„So … brothers“ is a sitcom with two half-brothers of the same age (28 years) who don’t know each other at the beginning of the show. Both inherit the legendary „Turtle Records“ studio with its only permanent resident, a tortoise named Janis, from her late father. His last wish declares the brothers to be legal guardians of the small fossil: If something bad happens to Janis, the old music studio should be auctioned off for charitable purposes. And even though they have no idea about the technology and the job, they decide to give it a try due to their financial situation.
The two of them may have had the same father, but they grew up with their mothers in different worlds: Matthew is a big city cowboy from New York who loves to break the hearts of nice girls. Matthias from Germany – a nervous economist who could never really understand how people tick in general and women in particular are an unsolvable mystery to him. But they have one thing in common: Both have no idea how to run a music recording studio …
This is a 3’12“ short preview for demo purposes taken out of the 2 episodes (23min each) that have been pre-produced. You’ll get a great idea of the look & feel as well as the potentional of the whole show.
We produced a fantastic animated intro for the sitcom. A room of the recording studio of the „young“ Mr. Stein is shown, in which pictures with legendary musicians (such as Michael Jackeson, the Beatles, Mick Jagger etc.) and important instruments can be seen.
You can already hear the music theme of the show here. It is used as an intro at the beginning of the sitcom. The song was sung by Viola, an important character on the show.
We are a team of young, creative TV-professionals : Writers, producers, camera-operators, editors, musicians and actors based in Hamburg, Germany. Together we have pre-produced the first two pilot episodes for a new Rock n Roll -TV sitcom: “So … Brothers”. We all have a musical background of some sort, so our writers know what absurd drama the engineering of a hit single can create. It is a new sitcom produced with the Internet as broadcasting medium in mind. The setting in a sound studio creates the unique opportunity to have “real” current chart-bands as “clients” behind our microphones. This provides not just promising cross-promotion-options with the music-industry, but a sitcom-based-platform from which to launch real newcomers into actual life as part of the story.
Played by Francis Da Cruz
Matthew grew up an extroverted, casually dressed New York city slicker with his single mom who never confessed to him about who his father was. But he also never felt he actually needed a dad, his self-confident style helps him to overcome every crisis on his own, true to his motto: “Shoot first, ask questions later”. If one asks the (many) girls of his life, he had always been a great lover, but not a real gentleman. And he had never revealed the problems he used to hide behind his sunnyboy-mask to them.
Played by Johannes Hauer
Matthias grew up an only child, aimless but anxious, in the north german town of Hamburg. He is the archetypical intellectual, always watching life from the sidelines, paralysed by the enormous number of possible decisions while others go and make their dreams come true. He is an unremarkable economics graduate, is good with numbers and statistics, but doesn’t have the idea how friends and people might function or – for that matter – how to change the tire of his car without injuring himself in the process.
Played by Melissa Holley
Lisa from Great Britain is the classic “girl next door”, pretty but unremarkable at first sight. But her friends (and enemies) know better: She grew up as an orphan and has the iron will of one: She knows what she wants and has a clear strategy how to achieve it. With determination and hard work she had fought her way through her audio tech-studies, her ultimate goal: To have her own Recording studio. The new job as intern at “Turtle Records” is just going to be the first step to be her own boss…
Played by Natalie Holle
Viola had always desired to be a great star, overnight and – please – without any sweat to ruin her pretty make-up. Spoiled with money by her father, she thinks she can succeed anywhere by just displaying loads of feminine charm and a perfect body. Which had helped her through the talent-shows of her youth, but now that she’s grown up she is beginning to realize that you have to perform and work hard to make it to the top. The contract to sing behind the mics in the famous “Turtle Records” Studio may be her big chance …
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